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Advanced Distribution Settings
Niels Baarsma avatar
Written by Niels Baarsma
Updated over a week ago

Advanced Settings

  • Target Audience

Target the right audience for your survey using attribute filters.

  • Display Options

Control when and for how long the survey should be shown.

  • Response Options

Control for how long the surveys will run.

  • Recontact Options

Control how often people are shown a survey.

  • Language Support

Choose the default and supported languages for your surveys.

Global Recontact Waiting Time

This setting is unique to the distribution as it controls how frequently users will be able to see a survey across all surveys in this distribution. This frequency is limited to the persistence of the client's local storage. If the client clears local storage then Rayn will see the client as a new user.

Associated Survey Settings

Upon associating a survey with a distribution you can override the default settings set on the distribution. Overriding distribution settings could be relevant for example when a specific survey needs to stand out or should somehow behave differently to the rest.

The following settings are unique to the survey association:

  • Survey Triggering

Choose the events that trigger the survey.

  • Force Interaction

Decide whether you want to require an answer from your customers in order to continue.

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