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Survey Distributions Overview
Niels Baarsma avatar
Written by Niels Baarsma
Updated over a week ago

Distributions define the method of your survey deployment and control the conditions under which the surveys are shown. Survey targeting, frequency, pacing and design are all part of the distribution controls as these settings may vary across different channels and platforms.

A single survey can be connected to multiple distributions this way you can gather customer insights across multiple channels using the same survey. The survey results can be used in reporting as well as for the enrichment of user cohorts.


Creating a new Distribution

Navigate to Distributions by clicking on Interact in the left-hand menu. In the Distribution overview screen click New.

Distribution Type

As the functionality and restrictions may differ per platform Rayn distinguishes distribution types. Currently, Rayn only supports distribution for Web. New distribution types are planned for the near future to support seamless integration in different platforms.

Learn more on how to set up a Distribution for Web.

Working with Distributions

A distribution is required to run a survey. One or multiple surveys can be associated with a single distribution. Depending on the distribution type some settings will be unique to the distribution like Global Recontact Waiting Time whilst other settings may simply act as default settings that are inherited by the associated surveys like the design theme. As part of the association of a survey to a distribution you will be able to set the unique triggering conditions of the specific survey as well as override some of the default settings that are inherited from the distribution.

For reporting all survey results will be collected across all distributions which will allow easy access and clear performance analytics.

Example use cases

Website owner

If you are a site owner with a single website property then it would be likely that you would only have a single distribution to handle the deployment of all surveys.

In case you are a site owner with multiple website properties with different styles and branding and you wish the surveys to have matching branding it will be more efficient to use separate distributions.

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