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Distribution for Web
Niels Baarsma avatar
Written by Niels Baarsma
Updated over a week ago

Distributions define the method of your survey deployment and control the conditions under which the surveys are shown. Survey targeting, frequency, pacing and design are all part of the distribution controls as these settings may vary across different channels and platforms. The following guide will take you through the settings for web distributions and how to associate surveys to a web distribution.

Getting there

Navigate to the Distributions by clicking on Interact and then on Distributions in the left side menu. This screen shows an overview of all your distributions, from here you can create a new distribution or edit an existing one.


The following settings can be configured as part of the distribution set up, they will be inherited by all associated surveys. The inherited settings can be overridden on an individual level as part of the survey association.

Set the default design theme for all associated surveys.

Survey Placement

Choose the placement of the survey and whether or not an overlay should be shown behind the survey. The overlay can emphasise the survey as it can hide the underlying content. Optionally you will be able to force users to interact with the survey.

Survey Position.png

Overlay color (Backdrop) and opacity

Choose for the surveys to be shown with a backdrop. When the survey is shown it can restrict access to the underlying page and blur out the underlying content. By default, the overlay is set to be transparent. Change the opacity by adjusting the Alpha value.

  • Value "0" No Backdrop is shown and end users can interact with website content""

  • Value ">0" A Backdrop is shown and end users can not interact with website content"


Custom Theme Color Settings


Text: Controls color for all text in the survey except for the answers and button text.

Answers: Controls color for all answer options.

Answers Background: Controls the background color of the answer options.

Button: Controls the color of the button shown on the tooltip page, thank you page and below the questions in case there are multiple questions in the survey.

Button text:Controls the text color of the button shown on the tooltip page, thank you page and below the questions in case there are multiple questions in the survey.

Button position:Controls the position of the button shown on the tooltip page, thank you page and below the questions in case there are multiple questions in the survey.

Background: Controls the background color of the survey.

Background image: Optional background image. The image is stretched across the survey canvas.

Logo: Optional logo. Upload png or jpg.

Close button color: Controls the color of the close "X" button shown in the top right corner.

Connect your Distribution to a Survey

Now it's time to connect your survey to the distribution. A single survey can be connected to multiple distributions. To connect a survey, navigate to the distribution you wish to use and click Add Survey.


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