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Connect Cohorts to Surveys
Niels Baarsma avatar
Written by Niels Baarsma
Updated over a week ago


Audience Cohorts are probabilistic in nature, linking cohorts to surveys allows you to increase confidence scores. Cohorts are linked to surveys by connecting the survey answer options. This guide will take you through the steps of connecting a survey answer option to a cohort.

Connect a Cohort

How to get there

Click on Data in the left hand menu. You will be presented with the Cohorts Overview.

Cohorts Overview

The Cohorts Overview displays the entire list of audience cohorts. The cohorts are nested following the tiered hierarchy structure in the taxonomy. The IAB Audience Taxonomy 1.1 has 6 tiers for some categories.

Select the cohort that you wish to connect.

Cohorts overview.png

The cohort definition shows the id, name and taxonomy of the cohort. Optionally you are able to provide some additional description of the cohort.

Connected answer options are represented to either include (Contains) users to the cohort or exclude (Does NOT contain) them. By adding a survey answer option to either "contains" or "Does not contain" will mean that users that gave the respective answer will either be included in the cohort with 100% confidence or removed from the cohort.

Connect cohort.png

Select answer options

The surveys are displayed as a list with one or more survey questions nested underneath. The answer options are available in the drop down selector next to each question. Select one or multiple answer options. The answer options that are selected are shown in the right hand column.

Select answer options.png

After closing the selection window you are presented with your final selection. Press save to confirm.

Selected answer options.png


It is not advisable to change any linked survey question or answer option as this may negatively affect the integrity of the cohort.

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