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Support Terms and Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Support Terms and Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Niels Baarsma avatar
Written by Niels Baarsma
Updated over a week ago

Rayn Support is a support channel staffed with experienced support engineers! This service helps to maximize the value Rayn brings to its customers, by preventing and fixing gaps to the value perceived by customers, by working with them on the delivery of their Rayn Services and by helping to avoid and minimize the impact of Rayn Services misbehavior in their activities and business goals.

This service also assists with issues on Rayn web properties that complement the service delivered to customers by Rayn.

This document describes the Support included in the Rayn Services, which are key to ensure non-stop operations. It applies to customers with a valid and active Subscription of the Rayn platform.

Any detail of the service not described in this document is described under Information in this link includes contact methods and details on tools that can be used.

Rayn reserves the right at any time to modify this document and to add new or additional terms or conditions on the use of the Rayn platform. Such modification will be accompanied by a written notification no less than 30 days beforehand. Customers in disagreement with the new terms described, must explicitly notify Rayn of their disagreement; Rayn reserves the right to opt for anticipated termination of any corresponding Order Form and/or Agreement, to allow these customers' Subscription Term to proceed, under the previous provisions, until the end of the then-current Subscription Term, or any other mutually agreed commercial decision.

I. Types of Support Tickets

Support tickets come in one of the types below. Each of the types influences how Rayn Support deals with your ticket:

Request. Use a Request ticket to activate or reconfigure your Rayn Services to better suit your needs. Refer to to understand your options. While the Services are self-service, some of these services require direct assistance from Rayn Support for their delivery (usually in a coordinated effort with Customer teams).

Each request comes with an expected timeline. Refer to the <service delivery table> to understand the timeline expectations and be able to plan accordingly.

Incident. Use an Incident ticket if you are experiencing an unexpected behaviour or an interruption of service. Refer to Severity Levels, First Response and Subsequent Responses below to understand how Rayn deals with Incident tickets.

Question. Use a Question ticket if you have questions on the expected behaviour of the Rayn Services or specific Rayn Services, you wish to activate for your subscription. Questions are handled by Rayn with the response times of an Incident with Low severity.

II. Language

You can communicate with Rayn Support in English. Support in other languages is provided on a best-effort basis and subject to staff availability.

III. Severity Levels

The table below describes each of the severity levels available for Incident tickets and the environment for which the ticket can be open under that severity:





Complete loss of service or a significant feature that is completely unavailable and no workaround exists. It does not include development issues or problems in staging environments.


Partial loss of service with severe impact on the business and no workaround exists.


Minor loss of service. The result is an inconvenience, which may require a temporary workaround.

Low (lowest)

No loss of service. The result does not prevent the operation of the software.

IV. First Response and Subsequent Responses

First response means that Rayn Support has analyzed the problem you reported, has performed initial analysis of your problem and will contact you with an indication of a remediation action for your problem, a request for additional information to better understand your problem or another relevant technical update to the case.

Rayn Support will provide the first response to your Support Ticket according to the table below:


Level 1

Urgent (highest)

4 Business Hours


8 Business Hours


2 Business Days

Low (lowest)

5 Business Days

After the first response, Rayn Support will work on each ticket according to its current severity towards resolution. Depending on the Customer’s support level, Rayn will, whenever possible, endeavour to provide the following:




Continuous work during customer's business hours (9:00 -17:00 CET)

Status updates twice every business day business days (weekdays, except national holidays) (1)


Daily status updates by end of business


Status update every 2 weeks (2)

Low (lowest)

Status update every 4 weeks (2)

(1) Or as agreed between Rayn and the customer on a ticket-by-ticket basis.

(2) Or as relevant progress occurs.

V. Solving Support Tickets

Rayn Support follows an ITIL-like approach to solving Support Tickets, focused on customer value first. This means that we will focus on restoring service/value to the business, without forgetting the need to contribute to the continuous improvement of the service we deliver to customers.

After you open a Support Ticket, a support engineer will work with you to identify and resolve your issue. The resolution provided by Rayn may include one or more of the following:

• A fix of the Rayn software;

• A mutually agreed upon workaround;

• Another remedy, such as a reconfiguration of the Software.

We consider Support Tickets resolved if any of the following occurs:

• Your issue is fixed;

• Your issue is identified and 5 business days (weekdays, except national holidays) have passed since we provided you a resolution;

• The source of the issue lies with third-party software or hardware components. In this case, Rayn will continue to help as deemed appropriate by Rayn Support management as you work with the third party on resolution;

• You do not respond to a query or request from us for more than 5 business days business days (weekdays, except national holidays);

• You choose not to pursue troubleshooting of the issue;

• It is not possible to obtain the elements needed for troubleshooting using reasonable effort.

For issues that reoccur you may open a new Support Ticket that refers to the previous one.

As a rule, Rayn provides Support and Updates from its offices only. Remote assistance with internet-based conferencing tools is available and will be used only when deemed necessary by the support engineer and such use is requested by the Customer.

Rayn Support works on support tickets according to their severity as follows:

• Urgent and High severity cases are worked during the periods in which the customer is entitled to Support. For these cases, telephone / synchronous communication can be expected during those periods.

• Normal and Low severity cases are worked Monday-Friday on business days (weekdays, except national holidays). For these cases, electronic/asynchronous communication can be expected.

When resolving a support ticket, the priority for Rayn Support is removing the impact that an issue is having on customer activities. For that reason, Rayn Support works with the customer in order to resolve a problem prioritizing workarounds or remedies such as reconfiguration of the software. Production of fixes to Rayn software outside of a Monday-Friday period will only happen in association to an Urgent or High case, if no workaround or remedy such as reconfiguration of the software is available, and if the Customer is entitled to 24x7 support.

VI. Scope of Rayn Support

Rayn Support covers development and production issues for Rayn Services and on-premise deployments, covering for you in situations such as:

  • Troubleshooting issues with the Rayn tools and reporting processes;

  • Troubleshooting well-defined situations where the API does not behave as documented;

  • Issues with our consoles and the use-cases supported by them;

  • Troubleshooting operational or systemic problems with Rayn Services resources;

  • Problems detected by Rayn monitoring systems.

Rayn Support does not include:

  • Answering questions on your architecture or on recommended best practices for enabling the Rayn tools;

  • Debugging your configuration of the Rayn software;

  • Analyzing and troubleshooting the performance of Rayn Services where this is attributable to your configuration or your properties and infrastructure;

  • Performing administration or operational tasks (including network tasks and troubleshooting networking issues) on on-premises installations;

  • Answering questions about the roadmap and future features of the Rayn platform.

Additionally, Rayn shall have no obligation to support, in case of:

  • Software installed on any hardware and/or interfaces that are not supported by Rayn;

  • Problems caused by customer’s negligence, abuse or misapplication or use of the Rayn Services other than as specified in the Documentation; in the applicable Agreement(s) and Order Form(s); or other causes beyond the control of Rayn.

Rayn documents the correct usage and expected behaviour of the platform in its Documentation.

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